Everyone has that piece of Tupperware; the one that was new and clean and shiny then one day, against your better judgment, or out of enthusiastic ignorance, you placed some spaghetti in it with a fine homemade red sauce. The kind with fresh herbs, pink salt that includes all those needed minerals, and a few mushrooms. Not the creminis, but the wild ones you picked in the Roosevelt National Forest. Then, the inevitable happened. You should have seen it coming, but you didn’t; you were too excited about your delicious and thoughtful leftovers: the plastic stained. It’s a seemingly permanent quality of that vessel. Ok, well that was pretty specific, but I know it lands. In your cabinet there is a dish that’s stained red. Go look, it’s there. This is a conversation about true freedom. And to have this conversation, we must understand what freedom is along with its opposite: captivity. Captivity such a strange word, because it’s how we describe the condition o...
some writings. some media. all thinger