I was informed by a writer friend of mine that if I wanted to be of any consequence to this crazy world then I need a blog. I always figured blogs were for people who believe that they have more important things to say then they truly do. After about 22 minutes of intense deliberation and about five ounces of Laphroaig scotch, an epiphanal cord struck my consciousness causing me to recognize that blogging was for me.
With all sincerity (probably from the high-class buzz), I hope this will be my worst blog, as it is my first.
To warn any readers who subject themselves to this periodical oeuvre I must say, expect on occasion incongruous tense, grammatical misdeed, and contrived word manifested in times of creativity and languor for which I give no apologies.
With all sincerity (probably from the high-class buzz), I hope this will be my worst blog, as it is my first.
To warn any readers who subject themselves to this periodical oeuvre I must say, expect on occasion incongruous tense, grammatical misdeed, and contrived word manifested in times of creativity and languor for which I give no apologies.