I have been unemployed for three long and pretty dull and really disheartening months. The reality is I have been looking for jobs nonstop and I have applied over and over to every vague and non-compelling job description you all post week after week. Each time I find a post worth my time, I submit a great looking résumé –customized for each job description– accompanied by a genuine and mildly witty cover letter tailored as specifically as possible to the listing. Seriously folks, I am doing a pretty good job applying quickly after you post the position, with no errors, and to your specifics. Don’t think I am simply submitting a generic résumé, without regard to who you are and who you’re looking for. If you reveal who you are, I research your company and I even come in person to introduce myself (unless the ad says not to); but, I am almost always turned away with the directive, “go ahead and submit your CV online.” This letter is to let you know that this sucks; you can do better. ...
some writings. some media. all thinger