As an Eastern Orthodox Christian, I can't claim I know each person's destiny. Many christians (protestants mainly) would claim they do know this because they have particularly keen insight into what the Bible says or the hearts of their fellow man.
Humans have such a short amount of time to understand the experience they are having on this earth; I believe (and this is me here, not any sect or church) that an atheist may believe in God if said atheist were to meet God. And, if said atheist was not always introduced to a God who's followers killed members of other faiths, burned books, pissed on corpses, insulted homosexuals, or violated the religious sensibilities others. Because of this, God would not reject or judge said atheist, but rather, reward the person for having a heart toward truth and kindness: the source of which is the creator of all things! perhaps the atheist is reserving his heart for Christ, remaining chaste, but the people presenting Jesus to him have done it wrongly. He dies godless, but not without God.After saying that, I must make it clear that, in my experience, many rude and vivaciously obtuse fellows I have met have been atheists. It is so easy to be rude and turn into a psycho-bipolar judgmental ass while online. Look at ANY video on youtube and see how people turn into animals, cutting each other down. These folks are usually arrogant, closed-minded, and deliberately offensive; but, they come from all back grounds.
Look back on the posts in the "I Am Awake" forum on Facebook and tell me that much of what is said is not founded on personal research or actual deliberation of facts and persons, but rather arrogance and a desire to be offensive to people you do not understand. Or people you feel are wrong.
Saint John Maximovitch |
"It matters little if you were right or wrong; but rather, were you kind." Saint John Maximovitch
"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a great battle." St. Philo of Alexandria (not Plato)