Following the Fed's antagonism and a battle or two in SC, many southern states also seceded from a government they found to be dangerous and degenerate. War ensued. With over 600,000 deaths, almost 1 million casualties, and unquantifiable fiscal damage to the southern states, the south lost what many consider a second War for Independence.
Kosovo faces similar struggles – though not identical in motivation – to the Antebellum South, they seek autonomy apart from a prejudice government. The US Federal government seems to have a double standard. Though a hypothetical situation, what if California were to secede... or more realistically, Texas once more attempted to leave this unrealized democracy?
Is it probable? Of course not. The federal elite, whom ever they may have been at different times over the last 150 years, have never rescinded authority. The facts are, they would refuse to let them loose of its tentacles so as not to disappointed the special interests who have an undying thirst for power; none of them can comprehend personal freedom or self rule. Once they see a sign of weakness, like in Serbia’s case with Kosovo, they latch on to the dissenting crowd with a lasting grasp, holding tight until self-destruction and finality.
Our government supports the rebellious Kosovo because it is a new nation, which will one day be a puppet of the Western Neo-Con Elite. It is in the interest of interventionist rulers like Daddy Bush and Clinton and G-Dubb, and the next one to keep dissidence and violence afoot wherever they extend an arm of power. There are many arms to this beast, many heads and legs but only one heart: exploited US taxpayers.
Multiple conflicts, like those in the West Bank, Korea, Cuba, and South America would end eventually if the US stops intervening in the affairs of other peoples. After a retrospective observance of 170 years of American international wrongdoings, I guess it would not hurt to remind Americans of the Monroe Doctrine:
The miserable reality is the beast will lose power when we, the exploited taxpayers, cannot pay the bills any longer. As we fall, the puppet nations, like South Korea, Iraq, Israel, and now Kosovo, will be able to prosper more than ever because they no longer wear the American interventionist leash. Their success will be the epilogue of our downfall as long as we refuse to remove the ruling class of the US, with their war-mongering, special interest, smoke filled room bullies who pull the strings and push the buttons of American federal policy makers.

Is it probable? Of course not. The federal elite, whom ever they may have been at different times over the last 150 years, have never rescinded authority. The facts are, they would refuse to let them loose of its tentacles so as not to disappointed the special interests who have an undying thirst for power; none of them can comprehend personal freedom or self rule. Once they see a sign of weakness, like in Serbia’s case with Kosovo, they latch on to the dissenting crowd with a lasting grasp, holding tight until self-destruction and finality.

In the wars of the European powers, in matters relating to themselves, we have never taken part, nor does it comport with our policy, so to do. It is only when our rights are invaded, or seriously menaced that we resent injuries, or make preparations for our defense.