Diebold is the company that manufactures and maintains the electronic voting devices. They have been under extreme scrutiny by everyone, besides the Government, even after many mishaps this year; in states like South Caroilna and Iowa, these machines left no paper trail and are programed and maintained and adjusted by Diebold, who's name ironically discloses their trust-worthiness.
The Onion, a fake news organization which, by every observation and standard, rocks, has the obvious truth of Diebold pinned. As is often the case with satire, the truth is more like fiction then we would like to think.
This video says it all:
Here I am, my second blog entry. What I have to say, I am not sure, I have so much to say but nothing to talk about. I watched I Am Legend the other day; in spite of video-game type CGI, the film was pretty decent. I cannot say it was memorable, as far as an apocalyptic film goes, it rose just above mediocre. Children of Men is far more entertaining, deep, and plot driven. If one were to spend two hours, the latter would be better time spent, especially considering the production quality. Speaking of the apocalypse, the presidential race is heating up quickly. Apparently, Mike Huckabee has something to offer as a presidential candidate. I did not know the GOP is so interested in perpetuating the Bush foreign policy that they are willing to support a pseudo-clone of the current commander-in-chief our nation so dearly admires. Ron Paul receives little-to-no attention from the media compared to other candidates but he has the money and grass roots attention (including a priva...