According to Angry White Man, an articulate attempt at a very cheap smear by The New Republic (Motto: Sticking it to the truth for quite some time), Dr. Ron Paul is, or at least was, a racist.
America's political tone of voice, especially concerning issues of race, religion, gender, and sexual orientation changed dramatically over the last thirty years.
If anything, Paul was writing to the libertarian mind in the parlance of the time. The libertarians of the 70's and 80's were not pursuing speech sensitivity training, but rather constitutional government. They wanted to prevent expensive illegal wars, fascism, and usury; not poor adjective selection.
The Paul we see now is the same Paul as back then. But like any reasonable man, he has evolved to meet the logical sensibilities his position has demanded of him, while avoiding the political and philosophical nonsense of today. The rhetoric is actually quite tedious and often counter-productive, encouraging silly articles like James Kirchick's recent smear.
Nothing about Dr. Ron Paul even insinuates that he has a bit of racism in his character. He has faithfully served a diverse population, and has been respectful in his rhetoric while keeping a constitutional and kind philosophy towards government and personal behavior.
More than I can say about this man
or this man
or this man
or this man.
What we have in Ron Paul is a self-motivated man who changes for the better.
America's political tone of voice, especially concerning issues of race, religion, gender, and sexual orientation changed dramatically over the last thirty years.
The Paul we see now is the same Paul as back then. But like any reasonable man, he has evolved to meet the logical sensibilities his position has demanded of him, while avoiding the political and philosophical nonsense of today. The rhetoric is actually quite tedious and often counter-productive, encouraging silly articles like James Kirchick's recent smear.
Nothing about Dr. Ron Paul even insinuates that he has a bit of racism in his character. He has faithfully served a diverse population, and has been respectful in his rhetoric while keeping a constitutional and kind philosophy towards government and personal behavior.
More than I can say about this man
or this man
or this man
or this man.
What we have in Ron Paul is a self-motivated man who changes for the better.